Pharaoh Cleopatra

Pharaoh Cleopatra

Pharaoh + Cleopatra Wide screnn + high resolution (8. Is there a way to make Pharaoh run in higher resolution than 1024x768 and in wide screen? Cleopatra (69 BCE–August 30, 30 BCE) was the ruler of Egypt as Cleopatra VII Philopater, She was the last of the Ptolemy dynasty of Egyptian rulers, and the very last Pharaoh of Egypt, ending a dynastic rule of some 5,000 years.

posted 02-05-04 21:26 ET (US) With the closing of the official websites for Pharaoh and Cleopatra, the access to the campaign walkthroughs has been severed. At least until they add these files to the FTP server for download access as I requested.

For those that need the walkthroughs and the hints and tips pages, I have salvaged copies of the originals and posted them on my website for public access by all interested parties.

Pharaoh Cleopatra Vii

You can access the Pharaoh & Cleopatra Walkthroughs and Hints & Tips pages from the following URL:

Pharaoh Cleopatra Widescreen

These pages have been edited so that they function normally save for the removal of links in the menu columns that reference the defunct Impressions Games website where they once resided. All artwork and images are present just as in the originals.