Best Vim

Vim is just a text editor. But if you have ever seen an expert use vim, you know that it is shockingly powerful, efficient, and fast. At a high level, vim is a tool that allows you to more clearly. Here is a necessarily cryptic list of the Best Vim Tips. There is an updated version and a printer friendly version. 1 Basic use 2 Still basic 3 Really useful 4 Make it easy to update/reload vimrc 5 Visual mode mappings 6 Exploring 7 Great 8 Easter eggs 9 Markers and moving about 10 Abbreviations and maps 11 For use in maps 12 List registers 13 Execute command from buffer. 4 Best Vim Courses & Tutorials 2021 MAY 1. Vim Masterclass (Udemy) Generally, it is challenging for users to learn Vim on their own, as it can take a lot of time. But, this masterclass from Udemy can help you get a firm grasp of using Vim text editor.

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  2. Best Melasma Treatment
  3. Best Vim Book
  4. Best Vim Gui
  5. Best Vim Theme
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One of the things that makes vim great is that it can be extendedthrough plugins. There are plugins for more than you would expect. Ihave gathered together the 15 best plugins. I’ve included these pluginsas part of my ultimate VIMconfiguration which has beenfeatured on many sites and is hosted ongithub. I’ve also begun a seriesof posts on some of these plugins includingsnipmate andNerdCommenter.


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Do all your insert-mode completion with Tab.


Visually shows the location of marks.
Marks are useful for jumping back and forth between interesting pointsin a buffer, but can be hard to keep track of without any way to seewhere you have placed them. ShowMarks hopefully makes life easier byplacing a sign in the leftmost column of the buffer. The sign indicatesthe label of the mark and its location.
It can be toggled on and off and individual marks can behidden(effectively removing them).


Provides tab completion while inside the “/” search


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Tag List

taglist.vim : Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python,tcl, sql, php, etc).
Requires the exuberantctags utility.


Completion for the SQL language includes statements, functions,keywords, operators and database options which it draws from the currentSQL syntax file in use. Vim ships with 9 different SQL syntax files(Oracle, Informix, MySQL, SQL Anywhere, …). You can choose differentSQL dialects using the command (see :h sql-dialects):

The NERD Commenter

A plugin that allows for easy commenting of code for many (nearly all)filetypes.



VIM 7 plugin useful for manipulating files controlled by CVS, SVN, SVKand git within VIM, including committing changes and performing diffsusing the vimdiff system.


All about “surroundings”: parentheses, brackets,quotes, XML tags, and more.The plugin provides mappings to easily delete, change and add suchsurroundings in pairs.


The matchit.vim script allows you to configure % to match more than justsingle characters. You can match words and even regularexpressions.Also, matching treats strings and comments (as recognized by the syntaxhighlightingmechanism) intelligently.


Attempts to emulate some of the behaviour of ‘Snippets’ from the OS Xeditor TextMate, in particularthe variable bouncing and replacement behaviour.


Smarty Syntax File

Syntax file for Smarty, the template engine forPHP.

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PHP Syntax File

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Syntax file for PHP.

PHP Folding

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This script can fold PHP functions and/or classes, properties withtheir PhpDoc,
without manually adding marker style folds ({{{ and }}}).


Check syntax when saving a file (PHP). Also supports ruby, tex, etc.

PDV- phpDocumentor for Vim

Provides really comfortable generation of phpDocumentor doc blocks forPHP

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